Weaver’s Cypress Lumber

Fast | Mill Direct | Specialty Cypress

Serving Georgia, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Beyond!

About us

Who We Are

Paul Weaver and wife Valerie have been in the lumber business for 30 years. They have 5 children and 11 grandchildren.

About us
Who We Are

Paul Weaver and wife Valerie have been in the lumber business for 30 years. They have 5 children and 11 grandchildren.

Pecky Cypress

Cypress Lumber

Cypress Lumber Siding


The Weavers pride themselves on quick accurate service.
Large Inventories are kept of the Highest Quality Cypress Lumber to fill orders quickly and have them DELIVERED IN LESS THAN A WEEK!


Weavers Cypress Lumber can custom make any profile or beam that you want up to 28' long. The Possibilities Are Endless! Get Exactly what you need. Let us fill your Specialty Cypress requirements today!

Mill Direct

The Weaver's own and operate the Sawmill and Planer Mill and are able to ship Directly To The Customer! No Middle Men! Customers enjoy the Lowest Possible Prices through buying Mill Direct.

Most Orders Are DELIVERED Within 1 Week

High Quality

Large Inventory

Low Prices